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  (ID: 1779)
Stein Counseling & Consulting Services
Location: Onalaska, WI   (map)
Phone / FAX:
Service Area: Currently contracted with La Crosse county to provide: supervised visits in the community, at our office or in the client's home; Parenting Education services; and random safety monitoring.
Agency: Stein Counseling & Consulting Services
Agency Phone/FAX: 608-785-7000 / 608-785-7477
Address: 571 Braund Street
 Onalaska, WI 54650
Agency Email:
Agency Link: Stein Counseling & Consulting Services
Standard Fee: Please call for rate information
Sliding Scale? Unknown
Languages: English
Onsite/Offsite: Unknown
Years Experience: Not listed
Holidays: Please call for holiday availability.
Intake Procedure: Please call for intake information.
Provider Notes: A staff person performing the role of supervised visitation is know as a PVM (Parent Visitation Monitor). The PVM is present during visits taking place between a parent or parents and their child(ren). The PVMs role during the visits is to ensure the emotional and physical safety of the child(ren), look for opportunities that the parent(s) is/are practicing effective parenting skills, as well as remind the parent(s) to use recently learned skills. If unsafe situations arise, the PVM will intervene, which may include, but not limited to, redirecting the parent, ending the visit or if the situation warrants it, making a call to the on-call social worker. Additionally, this person may transport the child(ren) between a parents home and foster home/temporary placement.

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